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Block Farming System: A Game-Changer for Smallholder Farmers in Chiredzi

As the winter wheat farming season approaches, smallholder irrigation farmers in Chiredzi are being urged to consider establishing block farming projects. This approach is considered one of the best for smallholder farmers as it offers numerous advantages, including increased access to markets.

Block farming involves grouping smallholder farmers together to cultivate a specific crop on a large piece of land. This system allows farmers to pool their resources and expertise, which leads to increased productivity and profitability. It also enables them to access markets that would otherwise be out of reach.

One of the main advantages of block farming is that it allows smallholder farmers to benefit from economies of scale. By working together, they can purchase inputs such as seeds and fertilizers in bulk, which reduces costs. They can also share equipment and labor, which further lowers expenses.

Another advantage is that block farming enables smallholder farmers to access markets that would otherwise be difficult to reach. By pooling their produce together, they can negotiate better prices with buyers and transporters. This increases their bargaining power and ensures that they get a fair price for their crops.

In addition, block farming promotes knowledge sharing among smallholder farmers. By working together, they can learn from each other’s experiences and adopt best practices that improve productivity and profitability.

As the winter wheat farming season approaches, smallholder irrigation farmers in Chiredzi should start working on establishing block farming projects. This approach offers numerous advantages that can help them increase productivity and profitability while accessing new markets.

The block farming system is one of the best approaches for smallholder farmers as it offers numerous advantages such as increased access to markets, economies of scale, knowledge sharing among others. Smallholder irrigation farmers in Chiredzi should embrace this approach as they prepare for the winter wheat season.

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