The post colonial government of the Republic of Zimbabwe has set aside two days of the month of August; one for the nation to remember and celebrate the heroes and heroines who selflessly participated in the armed struggle for independence and the other day for the nation to celebrate the role played by the uniformed forces during and after the Chimurenga wars. Over the years, I have realised that there is no shortage of our people (including those in officialdom) who are ignorant of what it means to remember the selfless service to the Republic those who fought in the armed struggle gave.
Category: Politics

Chimurenga continues
It is the 18th day of the month of April 2022, and today marks exactly 42 years after Southern Rhodesia, renamed Zimbabwe, regained her political independence from her former colonial master but we must not forget, even as we put on our dancing shoes and get down on the dance floor in celebration, to remind ourselves that this independence did not come cheap. An expensive price was paid. The Mujibhas, the Chimbwidos and the freedom fighters, all left their friends and families to join the first and second Chimurenga which lasted for several years.